| Aesthetics Unflawed
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
*Must be a RN, NP, PA, DDS or MD to take this course- Please check off one RNNPPADDSMD
*Must be licensed in the state that the course is being held License number
*Payment due at the time of registration
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Please notate any dietary restrictions or allergies.
October 15, 2023 | 8:00am – 4:30pm
Course led by expert aesthetic injectors Jeanine Graham, RN, CANS, & Melissa Judeh, MSN, MBA, CANS
* Completion of JEM Med Spa’s education courses does not guarantee employment. Job opportunities are subject to available openings and qualifications.
* By enrolling in JEM Med Spa’s education courses, you consent to having photos and videos taken during the course for marketing and social media purposes.